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    The Recovain hunting pods are suitable for both big game and small game.

    In big game hunting the Recovain rifle model; fits semi-automatic and bolt action hunting rifles and also fits assault rifles.

    For small game the standard Recovain starter model; fits semi-automatic shotguns.

    Its versatility, for hunting birds or land animals, for hunting in the hand, in a fixed position or by jumping, has made the Recovain hunting pods an important complement in the different hunting and competition disciplines, allowing us to enjoy the hunting activity without the hassle and worry of retrieving the pods. In a fixed position, the lower Velcro must be rolled up to leave the cover bag open so that the cases fall on our feet by gravity. Ideal for hunting in wetlands or dry terrain, where it is impossible to retrieve a pod, which, in addition to wasting time looking for it, makes the hunting activity a little less attractive.

    In shooting ranges, it prevents the shooter next to you from being hit by the ejected shotgun shells.

    Every day, more and more competitors use the Recovain pod hunter in championships, as they do not have to worry about retrieving empty pods from the ground.

    Thanks to the hunters who use the Recovain pod hunter, our fields are cleaner of empty pods.